Perennials for Your Rock Garden
A properly constructed rock garden, with rocks and soil elevated in tiers provides good drainage for many small plants that might otherwise succumb to winter and spring wetness.
Rocks are best situated where the plants will receive maximum sunshine and not be shaded by trees.
In addition to perennials and small spring flowering bulbs such as Crocus, Snowdrop and Winter Aconite, using dwarf evergreen enhances and maintains year-round interest in any rock garden. Many varieties of Dwarf Spruce, Yew and Hemlock are very suitable and widely available.
Sedum is a very important rock garden family. Dozens of varieties are readily available and hundreds are possible. All sedum varieties flower in their season from early summer to late fall. Flower colours vary from pink, red, white or yellow. More important than their flowers, however, is their interesting and colourful foliage. Sedums are a MUST in any rock garden.
Hens and Chickens
Another important rock garden plant, Sempervivum has fleshy rosettes of foliage with the mother plant surrounded by many small plantlets. These can be detatched and planted in another spot.
Varieties of Sedum & Supervivum
Foliage Plants
There are many named varieties, all with interesting colourful leaves. They include:
Moss Campion – Silene Schafta
Blue-eyed Grass – Sisyrinchium
Lamb’s Ears – Satchys
Germander – Teuchrium
Many varieties of Thyme are available. All are flowering plants but are valued more for their foliage ñ in shades of green, plus gray, gold and silver.
Veronica & Viola
Many small Violet-Viola, Veronicas, or Speedwells are available, including creeping varieties.
The smaller, clump-forming (non-invasive) grasses add great charm and quite a different touch in a rock garden. Recommended ñ Blue Fescue varieties, Tuberous Oat Grass, Blue Oat Grass, June Grass (Koeleria), plus grass-like plants such as Sedges (Carex) and Wood Rush (Luzula).
Rock Garden Perennials A-Z
Common Name |
Botanical Name |
Wooly Yarrow |
Achillea |
Lebanon or Persian Cress |
Aethionema |
Bugle Flower |
Ajuga |
Lady’s Mantle |
Alchemilla |
Ornamental Onion |
Allium moly and others |
Basket of Gold |
Alyssum |
Pearly Everlasting |
Anaphalis |
Rock Jasmine |
Androsace |
Pasque Flower |
Anemone or Pulsatilla |
Pussy Toes |
Antennaria |
Dwarf Columbine |
Aquilegia |
Rock Cress |
Arabis |
Thrift |
Armeria |
Silver Mound |
Artemisia |
Silver Brocade |
Artemisia |
Alpine Aster |
Aster |
Dwarf Astilbe |
Astilbe |
Purple Rock Cress |
Aubretia |
English Daisy |
Bellis |
Heartleaf |
Bergenia |
Slipperwort |
Calceolaria |
Carpathian Harebell |
Campanula |
Dalmation Bellflower |
Campanula |
Silver Thistle |
Carlina |
Dwarf Coreopsis |
Coreopsis |
Dianthus/Pinks |
Dianthus |
Dwarf Columbine |
Dicentra eximia |
Draba |
Draba |
Cushion Spurge |
Euphorbia |
Indian Strawberry |
Fragaria |
Yellow Bedstraw |
Galium |
Creeping Baby’s Breath |
Gypsophila |
Rock Rose/Sun Rose |
Helianthemum |
Coral Bells |
Heuchera |
St. John’s Wort (Dwarf) |
Hypericum |
Houstonia |
Houstonia |
Hardy Gloxinia |
Incarvillea |
Dead Nettle |
Lamium |
Golden Flax |
Linum flavum |
Catmint |
Nepeta |
Prickly Pear |
Opuntia |
Dwarf Beardstongue |
Penstemon |
Perennial Potentilla |
Potentilla |
Rock Soapwort |
Saponaria |
Dwarf Blanket Flower |
Gaillardia |
True Geranium |
Geranium |
Geum |
Geum |
Strawflower |
Helichrysum |
Hosta (sun tolerant varieties) |
Hosta |
Hutchinsia |
Hutchinsia |
Candy Tuft |
Iberis |
Dwarf Iris |
Iris pupils |
Edelweiss |
Leontopodium |
Dwarf Feverfew |
Matricaria |
Evening Primrose |
Oenothera |
Iceland Poppy |
Papaver |
Creeping Phlox |
Phlox |
Gold Moss |
Sagina |